Saturday, March 6, 2010

Greek Woes Show Swaps Must Be Curbed, Merkel Says (Update1)

Merkel said Greece has done its work and that Europe and the U.S. must now ensure that financial-market speculators aren’t allowed to inflict further damage on Greece or on other countries.

“We must succeed at putting a stop to the speculators’ game with sovereign states,” Merkel said. “We can’t allow speculators to be the profiteers of Greece’s difficult situation.” While “technically not easy,” derivatives including credit-default swaps “must be curbed,” she said.

Papandreou welcomed the focus on regulation against speculators and said Greece “has not asked for any financial support.”

1 comment:

  1. “The hedge funds themselves, their attack against Greece now seems to be abating,” Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz said today in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “But that raises questions what was going on, is this the kind of speculative attack we saw 12 years ago against the Hong Kong currency.”
